NMEA-0183 message: GST

Последние изменения: 03.12.2019

NMEA-0183 message: GST

Position error statistics

An example of the GST message string is:


The Talker ID ($--) will vary depending on the satellite system used for the position solution:

  • $GP - GPS only
  • $GL - GLONASS only
  • $GN - Combined

GST message fields

0Message ID $GPGST
1UTC of position fix
2RMS value of the pseudorange residuals; includes carrier phase residuals during periods of RTK (float) and RTK (fixed) processing
3Error ellipse semi-major axis 1 sigma error, in meters
4Error ellipse semi-minor axis 1 sigma error, in meters
5Error ellipse orientation, degrees from true north
6Latitude 1 sigma error, in meters
7Longitude 1 sigma error, in meters
8Height 1 sigma error, in meters
9The checksum data, always begins with *

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